Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sonnet for Cindy, Number 17 (Valentine's Day, 2014)

If all I ever said was, "I love you,"
     I think you'd smile at my lack of brains,
          forgive me frankly, turn and love me, too.

I do so want to take the flailing reins
     of all my blindly running thoughts and say
          a sentence worthy of your heart.

                                                    And ev-
en when you let me have my simple say—
     "I love you"—
                           and you're satisfied,
                                                        I grieve
     that I don't know a way more worthy, more
          like poetry to say what you evoke
               in me.

                I have too many words
                                                  —my store
perhaps too rich—
                            and maybe what I spoke
     is all I need to say:
                                 I love you.


Forever.  Mind and heart and body.  Now.

1 comment:

Loretta and Alan said...

That is super sweet. Awwweeee. :)